Workpackage 2

Restoring immune homeostasis through cell therapy and in vivo cell reprogramming

Workpackage 2
Workpackage 2

Restoring immune homeostasis through cell therapy and in vivo cell reprogramming

Objective : To eliminate, regulate or reprogram the pathogenic immune cells responsible for the development and progression of autoimmune diseases, and restore immune homeostasis.

Workpackage 2 (WP2) is built on the complementary expertise of 65 clinicians, researchers, engineers and technicians to propose innovative solutions to restore immune homeostasis in patients suffering from autoimmune diseases (AID). Our consortium is developing cutting-edge biotherapies to selectively target the myeloid cells, T and B lymphocytes involved in AID.

WP Leader
Farida Djouad
DR2 Inserm

Task 2.1. Engineered NK cells to deplete autoreactive lymphocytes

Task 2.2. CAR-MSC to selectively target autoreactive lymphocytes

Task 2.3. Engineered CAR-Tregs that selectively target autoAg

Task 2.4. RNA-based nanomedicine for MAI

Academic and industrial partners
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