Workpackage 5

Deep Immunophenotyping and new biomarkers for better patient stratification

Workpackage 5
Workpackage 5

Deep Immunophenotyping and new biomarkers for better patient stratification

Objective : Longitudinal follow-up with in-depth medical, clinical information and immunological status to establish a comprehensive ImmunoScore in Lupus, RA SSc.

Workpackage 5 (WP5) is focused on addressing three complex diseases (SLE, RA, and Sclerodermia) through cutting-edge and multidisciplinary technologies, integrating insights from genetics, deep immunophenotyping, transcriptomic and epitranscriptomic analyses, large scale quantitative proteomics, and patient exposure to better stratify the patients.

WP Leader
Pascale Louis-Plence
CRHC Inserm

Task 5.1. Deep immunophenotyping

Multiparametric flow cytometry on PBMCs.

B and T cell purifications for:
• RNAseq Total library
• sc RNA seq VDJ library

• Supervized
• Unsupervized

Task 5.2. Transcriptomic Analyses

Single-cell profiling of the patient T and B cells.

Oligoclonality of the TCR and BCR repertoire.

Ag-specific B cell sorting for Immune profiling.

Identification of module of co-regulated genes.

Task 5.3. Proteomics and Epitranscriptomics

Circulating Biomarkers : Large‐scale quantitative clinical proteomics of patient’s serum.

Multiplexed quantification of chemokines and cytokines.

Autoantigen characterization : Characterization of autoantigens bound to AID-derived serum (LES and Sclerodermia).

Epitranscriptomics : Multiplexed RNA-Modifications quantification.

Task 5.4. Integrated genomic, epigenetic and transcriptomic data

Multi-omics genomic medicine sequencing :

Long Reads DNA
• SNV and SV analysis
• Methlylation profile
• Long Reads transcriptomics
• Differential expression analysis
• Transcript analysis

Integrated OMICS anaylsis for molecular diagnostic stratification and therapeutic prediction.

Task 5.5. Exposome

Patients’s exposure to:
• Air pollution (remote sensor)
• Water pollution
• Soil contaminants
• Biocontaminants (molds, pollen)
• Infections
• Green, gray, blue spaces
• Diet
• Meteorological variables
• Lifestyle (tobacco, alcohol)
• Occupation
• Socio-economic status
• Etc…

Task 5.6. Final Goal Patient stratification and new professional practises

Identification of Biomarkers.

Clustering / Stratification of patients in each AID (RA, SLE, Sclerodermia).

Comparative signature, Identification of sub-population for treatment strategy, Define deregulated pathways and new therapeutic target , in-depth analysis of risk factors, prognostic markers and efficacy of therapeutic interventions, Development of new therapeutic strategies.

Academic and industrial partners
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