Workpackage 3

Comprehensive and predictive models to evaluate drug response and safety

Workpackage 3
Workpackage 3

Comprehensive and predictive models to evaluate drug response and safety

Objective : To develop humanized models, organoids of tissue mimicking the target organs of the autoimmune response and to develop tools to follow in vivo the biodistribution of the therapeutic products and identify potency biomarkers.

Workpackage 3 (WP3) aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of therapies based on extracellular vesicles, RNA vectors and CAR-engineered cells in different models (organoids, mathematical models, induced or humanized in vivo models). Longitudinal monitoring of the transcriptomic, metabolic and chromatin organization of CAR-engineered cells will allow the identification of modulated target genes and pathways to predict the immune response.

WP Leader
Danièle Noël
DR2 Inserm

Task 3.1. Therapy efficacy in autoimmune mouse models

Task 3.2. Development of humanized models

Task 3.3. Mathematical modelling

Task 3.4. Generation of lymphoid organoids

Task 3.5. Cell therapy characterization

Task 3.6. In vivo toxicity and biodistribution

Academic and industrial partners
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