Bioproduction of cell or cell-derived ATMPs for clinical applications is a critical part of innovative clinical trials to treat auto-immune diseases. It relies on two cardinal features:
1) a specific cell product, genetically engineered, or modified with antibodies, mRNA or complex culture conditions, meeting specifications that can address unmet clinical applications,
2) a GMP-compliant production that ensures that the end product meets preset specifications, including a robust potency test, and that is produced in sterile, traceable and reproducible fashion. We will complement our bioproduction capacity with private and academic partnerships, including partners of the IHU.
Les autres groupes de travail pour mener à bien ce projet.
Restoring immune homeostasis through cell therapy and in vivo cell reprogramming
Comprehensive and predictive models to evaluate drug response and safety
Deep Immunophenotyping and new biomarkers for better patient stratification
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