Axes de recherche

Workpackage 1
Workpackage 1

Study the contribution of immune cells to autoimmunity

Objective : Autoimmune diseases (AID) share common features, such as inflammation and autoantibody (autoAb) production, which drive disease progression. Current therapies often fail because they do not account for the diverse characteristics within AID subtypes. Our project aims to deeply characterize the phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of immune cells in AID to better understand these mechanisms. By leveraging advanced technologies like single-cell sequencing, proteomics, and mathematical modeling, we seek to identify specific immune cell subsets and pathways involved in disease progression.

We have 2 main aims (graphical abstract):

Aim 1: Integrative analysis of B and T cell subsets, BCR/TCR, and autoAb repertoires in AID. We will deeply phenotype B and T cell subsets in both healthy individuals and AID patients, employing cutting-edge single-cell technologies to map their transcriptomic, proteomic, and epigenetic profiles. This data will be integrated into an immunomics model to better understand the diversity of B/T cell responses across different diseases.

Aim 2: Deciphering myeloid cell responses in target organ homeostasis disruption. Focusing on target organs like the synovial joint, we will explore the interactions between myeloid cells and other immune cells, using advanced techniques including scRNAseq and imaging mass cytometry coupled with systems biology and machine learning. Our goal is to identify myeloid cell subsets and interactions that contribute to disease progression, paving the way for new therapeutic targets.

Our overall objective is to understand disease heterogeneity and identify potential candidates for the development of personalized therapies and innovative strategies targeting tissue homeostasis disruption.

WP Leader
Florence Apparailly
DR1 Inserm

Sample collection

Immune Cell multiomic profiling


Tissue atlas

Functional studies

Academic and industrial partners
Workpackage 2
Workpackage 2

Restoring immune homeostasis through cell therapy and in vivo cell reprogramming

Objective : To eliminate, regulate or reprogram the pathogenic immune cells responsible for the development and progression of autoimmune diseases, and restore immune homeostasis.

Workpackage 2 (WP2) is built on the complementary expertise of 65 clinicians, researchers, engineers and technicians to propose innovative solutions to restore immune homeostasis in patients suffering from autoimmune diseases (AID). Our consortium is developing cutting-edge biotherapies to selectively target the myeloid cells, T and B lymphocytes involved in AID.

WP Leader
Farida Djouad
DR2 Inserm

Task 2.1. Engineered NK cells to deplete autoreactive lymphocytes

Task 2.2. CAR-MSC to selectively target autoreactive lymphocytes

Task 2.3. Engineered CAR-Tregs that selectively target autoAg

Task 2.4. RNA-based nanomedicine for MAI

Academic and industrial partners
Workpackage 3
Workpackage 3

Comprehensive and predictive models to evaluate drug response and safety

Objective : To develop humanized models, organoids of tissue mimicking the target organs of the autoimmune response and to develop tools to follow in vivo the biodistribution of the therapeutic products and identify potency biomarkers.

Workpackage 3 (WP3) aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of therapies based on extracellular vesicles, RNA vectors and CAR-engineered cells in different models (organoids, mathematical models, induced or humanized in vivo models). Longitudinal monitoring of the transcriptomic, metabolic and chromatin organization of CAR-engineered cells will allow the identification of modulated target genes and pathways to predict the immune response.

WP Leader
Danièle Noël
DR2 Inserm

Task 3.1. Therapy efficacy in autoimmune mouse models

Task 3.2. Development of humanized models

Task 3.3. Mathematical modelling

Task 3.4. Generation of lymphoid organoids

Task 3.5. Cell therapy characterization

Task 3.6. In vivo toxicity and biodistribution

Academic and industrial partners
Workpackage 5
Workpackage 5

Deep Immunophenotyping and new biomarkers for better patient stratification

Objective : Longitudinal follow-up with in-depth medical, clinical information and immunological status to establish a comprehensive ImmunoScore in Lupus, RA SSc.

Workpackage 5 (WP5) is focused on addressing three complex diseases (SLE, RA, and Sclerodermia) through cutting-edge and multidisciplinary technologies, integrating insights from genetics, deep immunophenotyping, transcriptomic and epitranscriptomic analyses, large scale quantitative proteomics, and patient exposure to better stratify the patients.

WP Leader
Pascale Louis-Plence
CRHC Inserm

Task 5.1. Deep immunophenotyping

Multiparametric flow cytometry on PBMCs.

B and T cell purifications for:
• RNAseq Total library
• sc RNA seq VDJ library

• Supervized
• Unsupervized

Task 5.2. Transcriptomic Analyses

Single-cell profiling of the patient T and B cells.

Oligoclonality of the TCR and BCR repertoire.

Ag-specific B cell sorting for Immune profiling.

Identification of module of co-regulated genes.

Task 5.3. Proteomics and Epitranscriptomics

Circulating Biomarkers : Large‐scale quantitative clinical proteomics of patient’s serum.

Multiplexed quantification of chemokines and cytokines.

Autoantigen characterization : Characterization of autoantigens bound to AID-derived serum (LES and Sclerodermia).

Epitranscriptomics : Multiplexed RNA-Modifications quantification.

Task 5.4. Integrated genomic, epigenetic and transcriptomic data

Multi-omics genomic medicine sequencing :

Long Reads DNA
• SNV and SV analysis
• Methlylation profile
• Long Reads transcriptomics
• Differential expression analysis
• Transcript analysis

Integrated OMICS anaylsis for molecular diagnostic stratification and therapeutic prediction.

Task 5.5. Exposome

Patients’s exposure to:
• Air pollution (remote sensor)
• Water pollution
• Soil contaminants
• Biocontaminants (molds, pollen)
• Infections
• Green, gray, blue spaces
• Diet
• Meteorological variables
• Lifestyle (tobacco, alcohol)
• Occupation
• Socio-economic status
• Etc…

Task 5.6. Final Goal Patient stratification and new professional practises

Identification of Biomarkers.

Clustering / Stratification of patients in each AID (RA, SLE, Sclerodermia).

Comparative signature, Identification of sub-population for treatment strategy, Define deregulated pathways and new therapeutic target , in-depth analysis of risk factors, prognostic markers and efficacy of therapeutic interventions, Development of new therapeutic strategies.

Academic and industrial partners
Workpackage 6
Workpackage 6


Objective : Develop cell production capacity for both research and clinical (GMP) grade cell-based advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) to be used in the IHU clinical trials.

Bioproduction of cell or cell-derived ATMPs for clinical applications is a critical part of innovative clinical trials to treat auto-immune diseases. It relies on two cardinal features:

1) a specific cell product, genetically engineered, or modified with antibodies, mRNA or complex culture conditions, meeting specifications that can address unmet clinical applications,

2) a GMP-compliant production that ensures that the end product meets preset specifications, including a robust potency test, and that is produced in sterile, traceable and reproducible fashion. We will complement our bioproduction capacity with private and academic partnerships, including partners of the IHU.

WP Leader
John De Vos

6.1.1. Bioproduction for clinical trial to treat sclerodermia using CART CD19 (SCLEROCAR)

6.1.2. Bioproduction for clinical trial to treat rheumatoid arthritis using CAR Treg cells

6.1.3. Bioproduction for clinical trial to treat sclerodermia using CAR MSC

6.1.4. Bioproduction for clinical trial to treat rheumatoid arthritis and lupus using cord-blood derived NK cells armed with specific antibodies constructs

6.1.5. Bioproduction for clinical trial to treat rheumatoid arthritis using iPSC-derived NK cells armed with specific antibodies constructs

6.2. GMP manufacturing of MSC-EV.

6.3. GMP manufacturing of RNA

Academic and industrial partners
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