Former aux métiers de demain

Alongside an ambitious research program, the Immun4Cure educational program aims to train healthcare professionals in these technological developments (immune cell engineering, extracellular vesicles, RNA therapy). Indeed, these rapid evolution in biomedicine research, especially in cell therapy, changes the way to produce, validate, deliver and monitor the therapeutic benefice of these new therapies.


The I4C program therefore propose to :

  • Train students for positions as bio-manufacturing / cell therapy / cell engineering platform heads / managers and propose « demonstration » platforms and class B clean rooms for academics and compagnies.
  • Create immuno- and cell therapy university diploma and reinforce existing programs (mostly Master level & certificate for lifelong learning) by proposing pedagogical modules specific to immunology and cell therapy.
  • Promote multidisciplinary in health and science (associate digital as well as regulation, quality management and quality control to basic knowledge).
  • Increase the number of PhD students within the next 5 years (up to 2 graduated per year).
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